Friday, June 8, 2012

Moving your iWeb Site to a New Host

There's a lot of you out there who built your website with iWeb and know by now Apple is shutting down MobileMe at the end of this month - which means you need to find a new host for your website.

I finally got my website switched over to a new host and I'd like to offer some help - starting with an article published in the New York Times on June 7th which helped me a lot.   Apple finally offers assistance for the move on this page.

I chose MacHighway to host my website, (you'll find a link on the right column under Zac & Joey's picture).  They offer immediate assistance on the phone and by email to help with the process, so I highly recommend them.   I'm not gonna lie, it was scary - like walking the plank between two ships. Just read through the NYT article and Apple's instructions, go on MacHighway's site where they have plenty of instructions and videos - you'll get it done.

Apple also discontinued updates on the iWeb application, those who like using the program to build their website can continue using it or learn a new program - I'm sticking with what I know for now.

Good luck fellow Mac users!


  1. It IS scary to think of changing ... i have been using iPage, and have not outgrown them yet. It is good to know there are other good hosts out there if I ever have to switch. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the info. I moved mine a couple of months ago to FatCow. It has been fine, but I am sticking to iWeb for now also.

  3. Karen, Thanks for your incredibly timely, helpful and easy to follow advice on making the BigSwitch - a most daunting task facing all of us Mac users. If you don't mind, I'm sharing your tips with my son who is newly employed at an Apple store, because he's soon gonna be overwhelmed with this royal pain from Apple. Why they can't leave well enough alone beats me! Look at your post every day and love it! Thanks again!

  4. I really like how iWeb "talks" to iPhoto, iMovie, pages, keynote,etc. I am sticking with it for awhile longer too.

    I have hosted my website with Godaddy, but am in the process of moving it to FatCow. Because of the whole elephant fiasco by Bob Parsons last year.

  5. Thanks Karin! I've been getting the jitters about having to rebuild my site. Thanks for posting some much needed info on this topic.

  6. Hi Karin,
    I love iweb and have used it since I gat my mac in 07. I did finally get it figured out and can upload to a new host. Even tho iweb is no longer supported is it still ok to use it with the current operating system, Lion I think. I haven't upgraded to the newest operating system. I'm 2 behind. Thanks. Great memories from the HHI workshop!
    David Nichols


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