Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Oh the Good Life"

8 x 8"
oil on masonite

I've been back to painting and catching up on a few new summer paintings for the Morris & Whiteside Gallery - including this basset hound that I'm clearly enamored with.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. Your colors are so beautifully rich and the dog is amazing!! I think my dog, Maggie, would fall in love with this Bassett Hound. :-)

  2. il est magnifique!!!! je découvert une artiste géniale!!! bravo Karin pour ton art!!!

  3. Des couleurs magnifiques et harmonieuses... J'aime l'ambiance de cette scène de plage... Elle est très suggestive car elle pourrait faire penser que ce charmant toutou soit celui qui va s'allonger sur le transat. Ou bien l'inspecteur Colombo a offert à son chien quelques heures de plage... Je plaisante bien sûr.
    J'aime beaucoup votre travail et votre touche de peinture...
    Gros bisous

  4. You did such a wonderful job with the bassett hound. I, too, am enamored!

  5. Is he waiting for someone to help him in the chair?
    Love the bright colors in the towel and the way you handled the puffy clouds.

  6. It's so good to see you back at the easel again, Karin. We are all looking forward to hearing about your long road trip -- and of course seeing your new work!

  7. Super painting, love the dogs expression. Thought I would also mention that your book Atl to NYC arrived and it is fab. Great to see your detailed work close up, well worth the money.

  8. This is wonderful and happy. Good to have you back and posting again.

  9. So happy you are back home and back to work. Now we can look forward to seeing paintings more often. This one is GREAT. I am especially fond of your dogs.


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