Thursday, February 2, 2012


12 x 9"
oil on masonite

There are times when I can't seem to paint anything right - and I know it's because something is distracting my attention - laundry, errands, puppies and the like usually. So I just gave in for a few days and focused on my upcoming workshop in San Francisco. I made all my arrangements, worked on my hand-outs, did my laundry, ran my errands and played with the pups. Nothing like a clear head to get painting again.

This new painting feels so warm and comfy - a big chair, a hot cup of coffee and a good book. So nice.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. Karin, that's one of those paintings that make me fall in love with your work all over again!

  2. beautiful painting with soothing color scheme...

  3. ooohhhhh the warm colors and cozy setting..even steam coming off the coffee...I want to be there! Love it!

  4. i agree with Regula...I LOVE this piece! so cozy and comfy! looks like your little break did the trick :)

  5. It's wonderful and I have to ask, is it a self portrait?

  6. Beautiful... as always.

    Crisp, clear, and delightful!

  7. Another great painting. I love this one. All the detail you have put in, the clothes the chair and the colours out of the window. Just fab.

  8. I reconize these feelings! I've got the same problem:)
    The painting is beautiful! Your house must have been very clean at the moment you painted this one:)

  9. Nice job right down to the light on the window frame and the steaming coffee!

  10. This makes me want to just walk into your painting and sit in the other chair with coffee and book. Love this!

  11. What a great painting, Karin! I always under-estimate the havoc caused by distractions-smart move to take a break!


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