Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Workshop & Beach Pups

You know.... I honestly plan to blog from workshops, but by the time I get back to my place, I'm pooped and put it off and before I know it, it's time to crash and do it again in the morning. I did want to check in mid-week and say I am having a really great time, enjoying every single minute with my 19 artists and I'm very proud of all of them.

In my off-time, Brett and I have long beach walks with Zac and Joey - their first trip away from home. They have been awesome. They own the beach. Tomorrow they'll be 7 months old and they romp, wrestle, run, tumble in the sand without a leash - it's just been amazing to watch them. It just doesn't get any better than this.

We have a longer studio day tomorrow, I'll be sure to get some photos up of the work we've all been doing, and post those when I return home.

Bye for now ~ Karin J


  1. I love the beach rompers. Such a great action shot. Enjoy your workshoppers. Wish I was one of them.

  2. Everyone (pups and painters) looks as though they're having a wonderful time. It's nice that the teacher's having some fun, too.

  3. Just a year ago today was in the same workshop. Say hi to my pal Kelley MacDonald, she was supposed to come with me last year. Wish I was there.

  4. Looks like you're a pretty busy gal.......ove the actin picture of the dogs!

  5. I love the sot of your pups on the beach, will that be a subject for one of your lovely paintings,Karin?

  6. There is nothing sweeter than animals having a good time.

  7. hi! hope there will be more tabletop easels available before Thanksgiving. I hope to get one from you while visiting then in the States. Thanks, Olha

  8. Thank you for taking your( precious) time to post such a great and informative blog. I really enjoyed it. I wish...oh, how I wish, I could take a workshop with you. Ever come New Mexico way?


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