Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thank You Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs created what I call my 'power tools' - the Mac, the iPhone, the iPad, iWeb, iPhoto - all of these genius instruments and programs have profoundly changed my life. Thank you Steve. I am so grateful.

- photo by Art Streiber for Time


  1. iAgree too:) Wonderful photo of him.

  2. Great photo. It's a sad day in the Crain house as we've been all mac since 1985.

  3. I'm in mourning. Bought my first Mac in 1987 for graphic design and it changed my life. When Jobs resigned in August, I read his 2005 commencement address at Stanford and sent it to my daughter. It sums up a man who has always been true to himself.

  4. While I use none of his products directly... he has changed all of our lives in so many ways.
    We can only aspire to live or lives like he lived his.

  5. I've been making a living on a Mac since 1990. I never dreamed I could be proficient on a computer as well as creative. I am forever grateful.

  6. It was our luck that we came across a Guru like Steve Jobs in all senses.
    iApplaude for all his achievements and believe that there might not be another Steve around for some time in near future.

  7. what an inspirational man! I have never heard anyone say bad things about owning a mac...especially artists!

  8. iAgree completely. sniff. Beautiful image.

  9. Amazing picture, Karin. I totally agree. He changed all our lives, he changed the music industry and the way we consume music. And he seems to have had great perspective. I love many of his quotes, but especially this one:
    “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful…that’s what matters to me.” Steve Jobs - WSJ: 5/25/93

  10. Right with you, Karin. My family has been a MAC family since the 80's...

  11. Great picture and tribute to him. Blessings, Janet


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