Monday, October 17, 2011


9 x 12"
oil on masonite

This painting will also be included in the upcoming group show, opening this Saturday at the 16 Patton Gallery - it's one of my personal favorites. I just love the form of the woman's trench coat and thin legs, the brown tones with the mustard-golds, and I love the artworks surrounding her -
William Nicholson's 'Mauve Primulas on a Table', with William Orpen's 'Self Portrait' to the right, donning a trench coat himself. Observed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.

Please click here for a larger view. To view my paintings included in the group show, please click here.


  1. You are fabulous Karin ! Faint shadow of the woman on the wall, the very subtle value changes in the wall, the wood've captured it all in such a small painting. Love it! :)

  2. This is one of my favorites too. Can just see her dashing in with the big coat thrown on to get some art time for herself. Love that shadow of her on the wall- brillant! All the value shifts everywhere in this one are just KJ stellar. Coming up on the KJ HHI workshop and know it will be fabulous. Travel safe and hope to see some footage of the pups on the beach first time out?!!!

  3. so cool.
    The muted but vibrant color and the faint shadow on the wall are masterful. and the juxtaposition of the paintings with the figure in trench coat rocks!

  4. Dear Karen,
    I'm a long time admirer of your work, and need your opinion. You've painted in many public places, and have sold many paintings. Did you ever have to get permission to paint from a photo you took? I am a first time children's book illustrator, and did a drawing of the Manhattan skyline in one of my illustrations. I was told that I would need permission from the city of NY to publish with that picture! How ridiculous I thought! But I know things are getting tighter for artists. Did you ever encounter such a problem yourself? Thank you. I really value your thoughts on this.

  5. Wow. POWERFUL! Karin, I immediately was drawn to the floaty trench coat and her slim, mustard-y legs, then my eye went up to the feast of paintings on the wall. I wonder... do you love doing both equally? Or when you get to the paintings, do you settle in and go 'Ahhhhhh....'... Just wondering!

  6. Nina,get yourself informed,there's a lot of photographers who blog about what's really true about the right to photograph certain places and things. I suggest starting here -

  7. OMG Karen!! I can really "feel" this one! I love the coat, the shadow...even the little pieces of paper next to each painting. Would love to see the original. Might have to make a detour on my way down South next time!!


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