Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"The Red Queen's Tarts"

6 x 6"
oil on masonite

I'm not quite back in the driver's seat, my beloved Mac should come home tomorrow. It's been an agonizing 10 days without it, I liken it to having all the ingredients for a cake and no oven to bake it in. My Mac contains programs that I don't have anywhere else, including Photoshop, which enables me to get the most accurate image of my paintings. That's a big thing - the presentation matters. You can paint 100's of pieces and it doesn't mean squat if you can't present it well.

I do have a laptop.... but the Photoshop Express version I had wasn't cutting it. I took a gamble and upgraded to version 9, and for those out there who need a good photo editing program and can't afford the full version of Photoshop CS, this does the trick. Now I'm able to post an image that I know is right.

About the latest, I continue on with my series ATL to NYC & Back - after we left Madison Square Park, where we petted lots of happy dogs (which will be a series included in my upcoming October show) we went into Eataly, a mega-gourmet foods market. It was dazzling to the senses, I loved that place. These artful, sweet desserts were on display in the bakery. Brett suggested the title, he had just watched Alice in Wonderland, and I thought it was perfect.


  1. This is great, I love it. Nice to hear what you use for software maybe I'll try what you have used. I have only used picassa, I have windows vista. Thanks for the tips.

  2. lovely work! btw i didn't realise how much my macbook meant to me til i thought it was broken... it wasn't, i just got the clicking with the mousepad wrong... so hopefully you and your mac will soon be reunited:)

  3. OOh! I love this!The composition is fun and colourful and your brushstrokes ...fantastic as usual.

  4. I am amazed at how much beauty you fit into such a small format. Wonderful! Glad you are back up and running. Can't wait to see the upcoming dogs.

  5. I'm with Carol. It looks huge. Such exquisite detail and color.

  6. "the Queen of Tarts" would be another alice/ny/bakery title! Although his is great! Incredable amount of food in such a little space!

  7. Brett's title is wonderful; it really fits your beautiful, but somehow ever so slightly wacky tarts.

  8. I love everything about "The Red Queen's Tarts" - really a wonderful painting!

  9. This piece makes me sooooooooo hungry! It's delicious looking. ake that as a tremendous complement Karin

  10. I love this one! It sort of reminds me of the paintings by Wayne Thiebaud.

    I'm missing your posts. I hope you get your computer back soon!


  11. A Mac-less & Photoshop-less day is indeed a tough one!!

  12. Meant to say the lower left tart with the apricot glaze is exquisite... good tip about Photoshop Express... It takes more than computer problems to get me to clean, however ;)


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