Sunday, July 3, 2011

"A Sunday With Georges"

12 x 12"
oil on masonite

I'd been working on this piece for several days - the painting within, Georges Seurat's 'A Sunday on La Grande Jatte', is sooooo complex, sooooo detailed - I have to go slow. I have to pay attention to everything Seurat methodically included. It's an amazing work of art.

To quote my favorite art critic, Sister Wendy, "Seurat spent two years painting this picture, concentrating painstakingly on the landscape of the park before focusing on the people: always their shapes, never their personalities. Individuals did not interest him, only their formal elegance. There is no untidiness in Seurat: all is beautifully balanced. The park was quite a noisy place: a man blows his bugle, children run around, there are dogs. Yet the impression we receive is of silence, of control, of nothing disordered. Even if the people in the park are pairs or groups, they seem alone in their concision of form - alone but not lonely. No figure encroaches on another's space: all coexist in peace."

Please click here for a larger view.

Wishing you a Happy 4th ~


  1. I am also a fan of Sister Wendy! She says so much with just a few words. She has helped me see paintings in new ways and as a result my appreciation has grown.

    Your painting is amazing! I love the subject, your colors are vivid, good composition - it's all good. Just Beautifully painted!

  2. That is. . . awe inspiring. For reals. :) I can't believe the patience that must have took (taken?).

    I love it. :D

  3. Oh my goodness- mind blowing- exceptionally creative and beautiful piece of art. I usually have words and they escape me at this point. Karin! I am in awe:) Love this one. I hope you know how incredible this one is?!!

  4. Imagine taking 2 years to do one painting...

  5. Gorgeous painting, I like the painting of the painting of course, but especially the body language of the viewers.
    Very Inspiring.

  6. It is a lovely painting and especially appropriate for this moment as it hangs in the Barnes Foundation in Merion which closed yesterday in order to move all the art to Center City Philadelphia. This is a very long sad story which you may want to check out.

  7. Amazingly detailed for a 12x12. I admire your work.

  8. This is so amazing! How you do that detail without looking fussy--incredible.

  9. Wonderful. this and blues brothers are my favorite. This one just sucks you in to the masters painting in the same way as seeing the real piece. For a moment I thought I was in the museum. Thks for the experience. Will you make a print of this one?

  10. Thank you, all of you - and I don't make prints of my paintings.

  11. This is a wonderful piece, Karin, so beautifully painted and I also love Sister Wendy.


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