Wednesday, June 8, 2011


8 x 10"
oil on masonite

You may recognize this from the demo I painted on the first day in the recent workshop - I painted this study before I left for New York, intending to bring it with me and work it a bit more during class, but it was too wet to travel. Now that I'm back, I finished it and would like to offer it on auction.

This young man had been playing in the fountain in Washington Square Park and parked himself in the sun to dry off.


  1. I love the expression you've captured on this boy's face, Karin. The green crocs are terrific!

  2. Very nice. I love your blog Karin. You are an inspiration. Thank you.

  3. Hi Karin,
    Your workshop photos bring back great memories! Thanks for sharing your NY experience. All your paintings are wonderful, as usual!

  4. That game is so addicting. I am so happy you did this!


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