Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Going Grey"

6 x 6"
oil on masonite

On with the road trip series ATL to NYC & Back - a late afternoon on our second day on the road, destination somewhere around Reading, Pennsylvania - really beautiful landscapes along the way. Despite the looming grey skies, the saturation of the landscape colors was even more stunning.

Being a guest on Blog Talk Radio today was fun, I faced my fear of talking live to a large audience, so there. Truthfully, the hosts, Leslie Saeta and Dreama Tolle Perry made it easy and I thank them for that. I really enjoyed it. If you missed the live broadcast, you can listen to the show here.


  1. Karin--You not only paint paintings that we all enjoy so much--we got to see how funny and wise you are today! It was wonderful having you as our guest. You can come back anytime:))!!

  2. Love the painting- the grays just make those greens pop.
    Listened live to the AHA show- you were a blast. It was just like being in the HHI workshop with you. Down to earth and "no annoyances in life" Karin. I am so thankful that you were so gentle, encouraging and generous to this young rookie artist at the time. I will always treasure that. Thank you, friend!

  3. This reminds me of home ! I Love it :)

  4. Karin, I am a faithful listener to Artists Helping Artists and I loved todays interview with you. Your life experience as an artist shared in this arena is so helpful. Your wisdom and the lessons you have learned were helpful to me as I journey on in my own neck of the artistic world. Thank you for was a gift!
    I will always remember the words you spoke about devotion to the daily commitment to art.

  5. The show was great, Karin. It was so nice to have a live voice to go along with your beautiful paintings.

  6. The purple-tinged greys and the vibrant greens = perfect!

  7. I enjoyed your Artist Helping Artist interview.
    Many of your comments rang so true. Glad you agreed to be a guest for Dreama and Leslie.

  8. Looking forward to tuning into the podcast! I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but made sure to mark it for download :)

  9. I listened to the AHA podcast this afternoon while painting -- great interesting interview. Thank you for sharing with us all!!


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