Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Teen Driver"

5 x 7-3/4"
oil on masonite

Included in my upcoming show are several golfers - a subject I hadn't embraced until now - perhaps I was traumatized from 30 years of framing rather gaudy prints and paintings of golf. My ah-ha moment was last spring, watching the Masters - which, by the way, just started this morning at Augusta National on a most beautiful day.

This subject includes everything I love to paint - the human figure, spectators, vivid colors, abstract backgrounds and fabulous shadows. On my recent trip to the horse races, I spotted a driving range and sat quietly, watching a few young golfers and found some new inspiration.


Please click here for a larger view.


  1. You have captured the sense of movement here. Beautiful !:)

  2. I am really enjoying your golf themed paintings. The movement, lighting, colors, and anatomy in the figures are all fantastic! Really great work :)


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