Friday, April 8, 2011

"Short Putt"

5 x 7-3/4"
oil on masonite

As I'm sitting here watching the Masters, I'm obsessing on Fred Couples, who I've had a crush on for 20 years and.... the human form. Not just his, but all shapes and sizes - how they stand, where the weight goes, the twists of the back - something I feel has to be just right when painting this subject. You can see when a golfer wiggles into a final position, planting themselves firmly before taking the shot. Very cool to watch.


Included in my show - a young man with not too far to go. Please click here for a larger view.


  1. So cool Karin. All the guys in my family are golfers. Can't wait to share your paintings with them. Fresh!

  2. So great, Karin. My husband use to take our grand son to Jr. golf every summer. He's almost 20 and they still go out and play. This painting brings back such wonderful memories. Love the colors and I can feel that sun!

  3. I have always loved Freddy's swing. He is one cool cat.

  4. Love the golfers. Freddie is a favorite, too. Do you golf? If you do, you should know that the pin would need to be pulled once your ball is on the green.

  5. We too will be watching the Masters this weekend (and Fred Couples swing! :) Lovely painting. Can't wait for the weather to warm up enough to get out on the golf course myself. Cheers Karin.

  6. Ooh - been scanning through your blog and this one just grabbed me. Love it. I can't stop looking at it.


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