Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Couple's Therapy"

9 x 12"
oil on masonite

It's my observation that many people who look at Willem de Kooning's work in a museum feel like they have to analyze it out loud - often I eavesdrop, maybe I'll learn something. Sometimes I paint artists' works in my own paintings hoping to understand them a little more in-depth or just because it's a fun experience. With de Kooning, it's a little bit of both.


Please click here for a larger view and purchase information.


  1. Wow, Karin...quite an accomplishment. Love it as usual. Interesting thread over at Wet Canvas about the best living artists. I threw your name in the pot and got some "right ons". Hope you are well!

  2. You make me very proud Anne. Thank you.

  3. It always amazes me how you can paint such a great representation in such a tiny scale.


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