Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Blanket Coverage"

20 x 5"
oil on masonite

I'm back home - had a wonderful time last Thursday night at the opening of my show. Everyone at the Morris & Whiteside Galleries made the evening a warm, inviting event and I thank them for that - I always meet the nicest people who've taken the time to come by. They all made me very proud.

I thought I'd continue posting several more that are included in the grouping, those that had sold early on - including one of my favorites - a rare, quiet moment when my friend Judy's pups, Emma and Abbey were crashed out on the couch. Judy's a dog-lover and when our Petey died a few months back, she sent lots of pictures of the pups. Made me feel good, brought some needed cheer.


Please click here for a larger view.


  1. Fantastic painting, all around! The blanket looks so velvety soft, and the dogs are so masterfully rendered in those subtle shades of gray...I can see why this was snatched up by a happy buyer.

  2. This is one of my favorites from the new collection- just a peaceful trusting happy place for these two beautiful pups to crash. Amazing subtle shifts in the gorgeous light coats. Love the title too. Sorry I could not be at the Show. I know the paintings were spectacular.

  3. ohhh- these are truly wonderful! ditto to Marian & Sonya....these just give you that 'warm, happy feeling'!

  4. This is a wonderful painting! I love all of your work! Your dogs are done so well, that their characters come through loud and clear. Well done!!

  5. Beautifully painted and love the title!

  6. Oh my Goodness, this painting is amazing. I can see why this sold so quickly. Just viewing this give me warm fuzies all over.

  7. Wow, this has quite a different feel Karin. Very compelling composition and I love the subdued, almost monochromatic palette.

  8. So cute - and beautifully painted!
    Glad the show went well :)

  9. Fabulous.....those jowls on the dogs. You caught the mood perfectly as always. Glad the show went well!

  10. Beautiful painting!

  11. I am not a fan of animal paintings because rarely can it be pulled off well. But I must say you have changed my mind and this is the best painting of an animal/dogs that I have ever seen. I lost my studio dog as well last summer. I know it's not the same without them. I do want to ask, have you ever thought of painting a bit bigger?

  12. Karin, I am impressed that every painting you post has feeling. That's hard to do. "Blanket Coverage" is my absolute favorite. Not only a really cool composition, but such warmth. Thank you for taking the time to share your work with us.


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