Saturday, January 29, 2011

"100 Faces, No. 97"

4 x 4"
oil on masonite


  1. Can't believe there's only 3 to go. This has been such fun and informative. There was an artist who intended to do small portraits of everyone he knew and then hang them en masse - to put his connection to others in perspective. Do you know of him?

  2. Hard to believe this series is nearing the end. I'll miss these faces. It's a great progression from your wonderfully loose style to an all-out fearless minimum to say the maximum... looks like the sweatshirt in #96 was done in about a dozen stokes. Awesome! I think you did these while you packed up and closed your business. Am I right?

    Two questions:
    Do you have special plans for the 100th? and...
    What's next?

  3. what's next.... I'm catching up with the gallery work and preparing for a show in April. It's great to be back in the painting seat again.

  4. Wow, can you not to end this Face series? I really enjoy it and thank you for sharing your observation and creativity.


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