Saturday, April 17, 2010


6 x 6"
oil on masonite

Knowing I'll be in New York next month for the workshop, I pulled up some photographs taking in the city a few years back - sort of reacquainting myself with the surroundings. I am looking forward to going back to, probably, the best people-watching place on earth.

A young woman I spotted sitting on a ledge off the sidewalk in Manhattan.


  1. I especially like the looseness of your work. I am working on being a loose woman-painter wise that is.

  2. I love the bold shadows and bright sun, but I can't take my eyes off her feet! You say so much with such economy of strokes. You may be my favorite impressionist!

  3. Ah yes another gorgeous piece. I am so upset I only recently saw you are teaching in NYC and sadly only got into the waiting list :( I love your work. I've been working very hard at loosening up my style and seeing your work justifies what I like and work towards doing - I love loose work. Thank you!

  4. This is such an interesting painting. As Terri said the feet are awesome. The colors and rendering of the stone work is fabulous, too. Love it!

  5. Gorgeous painting, Karin. I love the green overshirt against the grays...

  6. This is beautiful! Your paintings come directly to my inbox and always are a highlight in my day!

  7. Love the boldness in your work and this composition.


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