Friday, January 8, 2010

"Wine Cooler"

5 x 7"
oil on masonite

I was in need of some warming up this morning - there's been a stretch of days without being able to paint. Part of that is I live in the Deep South and constantly brag that I don't need a winter coat. Well..... not this winter. My little studio isn't built for such temperatures. I've had to find other things to get done. I gave that up today after surrounding myself with space heaters. A girl's gotta work.

This is loose, fluid and rich in oils. Just how I love to paint. From the Art Institute of Chicago, during an evening event, a young lady cooling her heels with a glass of wine.

While I've got you here....... I've got an official date for the opening of a dual show with Ken Auster, who's work has been a huge influence for me and a painter whom I've admired for years. And let me entice you a little more - it's at the beach. Maybe you can pitch your winter coat and join us March 26th, at the Morris & Whiteside Gallery on Hilton Head Island.


  1. Beautiful painting....but, for me in frozen Asheville I need a warming tequila

  2. This is lovely, Karin! There is something with this lady that looks like it is from an earlier time period...I also find myself wondering what she is thinking about, is she despairing? I like when a piece sets my imagination running!

  3. This a warm panting and it's full of life and energy.
    All of your work has energy and vitality.
    Love your work.

  4. Love this piece. The colors, rich oils in your work always pull me in, everytime. I have been lucky enough to see Ken Auster's work in person several times. He's one of the greats in my opinion. Have lots of friends in south looking for coats as well. Stay warm!

  5. Ah, so THAT'S where all the space heaters went!! We're down here freeeezing in Florida and I can't use my studio either! Very nice painting by the way. I really admire your work and love your subject matter!

  6. She is in a musing mood...could be one of those "glass half empty or half full?" moments. Delightful little piece, Karin. And...12 here this morning...that's down from 108 this summer...duh.

  7. Hey , Cool news about the show with Ken Auster.!!

    The Crains may just show up!!!! I've been wanting to go that direction.

  8. Lovely bold brushtrokes. Her gesture looks pensive, and holds my attention.

  9. I love it. The brushwork. The rich color. Beautiful.

  10. Loose and it! Here in the Central Valley of Calif., we have had grey, grey overcast and fog for days on end, so this painting is a real pleasure to look at. Stay warm.

  11. This is so lovely. I love your work.

  12. I really like the strong colors and compositions. I need to emulate your strong values.


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