Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Terminal Pace"

6 x 6"
oil on masonite

I really love this painting. For starters, I painted on a burnt-orange, just for something different, and small glimpses of that show through. Much like you see in Carol Marine's paintings. I love that. Also the current challenge on my Different Strokes blog - take a look at many interpretations.

Travelers and their shadows in the Reagan National Airport in Washington DC.


  1. I really like the unusual point of view on this one.

  2. Karin--all your work is awesome, but I have to say this is a favorite. The perspective makes it so much more lively. Thought of you this evening while using my Carribean blue...I get tickled everytime I hear your voice in my head from the comment on limited palettes...."People, there's a world of color out there." Your work always makes me smile.

  3. This painting had me at first glance! Brilliant! :o)

  4. I can't imagine the small scale of this! Have you thought about doing a really large version? It is a jewel of a painting!

  5. oh yeah, big Ooooooo... on this one!
    I just love how the colors sing and the perspective is wonderful.

  6. Just found your blog and admire your work, particularly this one. I like that you used the orange underpainting which I sometimes use for landscapes.

  7. I love it, too. I also love that you admit you love it!! If ya know what I mean.


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