Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Palm Sunday"

7 x 14"
oil on masonite

And now for something completely different. I essentially 'spackled' on a thick, toned-down white and worked within that, with a combination of scraping, painting with a brush and adding more texture. It was totally gratifying to maintain some control over the paint - often times I feel the paint has more control over me.

This painting will be auctioned, probably starting next week sometime - just want to let that thick paint dry a bit longer than usual. I'll be sure to post it again when the auction kicks in.

A note about the landscapes you've seen in the past week..... they will all be framed and arranged in a holiday window display at my frame shop. A very understated version of what I normally have done in the past years - something mellow and a bit more down to earth.


  1. What a treat it is to first see your new paintings. You are my idol.

  2. This is a moving and quite beautiful piece, Karin. I am truly awed by this one.

  3. Fantastic texture, beautifully handled!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is just wonderful, Karin.
    There's something very powerful in this one.
    Cheers to experimenting!

  5. WOW...I LOVE this xx
    (Have a lovely thanksgiving)

  6. I love your styles and normally don't like when you do something different because I miss them, but this is really cool

  7. Your experimentations are wonderful. I love how you used the texture and pushed the paint around!

  8. This is an amazing piece. Did you coat the surface with a color before spackling on the white? You mentioned scraping away color as well as adding...just wondering what color would be coming through. There is a wonderful understated looseness in this one, yet very descriptive.

  9. A lovely departure, Karin.

  10. The simplicity of this one is what does the trick. It takes control to use such a limited palette and you pulled it off.

  11. Bravo! Very interesting. I like that it is a simple composition with little color.

  12. Karin, I love the fact that even though you are so accomplished that you are not afraid to experiment and try new things. This is awesome!

  13. These new paintings are great, Karin! Isn't it fun to play with paint!? :)

  14. This is utterly OUTSTANDING! Threw me on the floor the first few seconds. I love this kind of stuff. Talk about painting with emotion.

  15. I am so glad I found your blog a few months ago. Everything you paint is wonderful.

  16. This texture and the simple color scheme complement each other, a very interesting experiment, really !

  17. Very striking! I love the monochromatic feel.

  18. Looks like you have been inspired by Stephen Scott Young. Do you know his work?

  19. Oh yes - I know him well and have admired his work for years.


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