Thursday, November 19, 2009


6 x 6"
oil on masonite

The one yesterday was an accidental result by the way - I was pleased with the top portion, the sky and treeline, and had done something totally different below that and hated it. I wiped that off and just wanted more simplicity - picked up the palette knife that I usually ignore and played.

Same with this painting - feeling out how to balance some tighter brushwork with some loose texture. Just exercising the brain - working through a block - enjoying the freedom.


  1. Karin, looks like you're having 'fun with knives''s very freeing! Love the warmth in the cows!

  2. I like keep things so simple & yet they tell a's inspiring!

  3. I love using the paint knife to loosen me up when I feel I'm getting too tight. I love the outcome of your two pieces as well. It is like 'playing', nothing to fuss with, just have a go at it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow!
    Thanks for sharing those bits of wisdom. You are out of the box all the way.

  5. I love the composition and the richness of color.


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