Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Coffee Grounds"

8 x 8"
oil on masonite

A reminder of warm sunshine and the simple pleasures in life. From the beaches of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

Please click here for a larger view.


  1. I love coffee, but THIS is my moment of zen...hangin' at the beach.
    Love this painting.
    I was mourning the loss of leaves from the trees just today......sigh.

  2. This is lovely; just a perfect way to start any morning. It makes me miss the PNW so much!

  3. I love this one. I want it to be me sitting there. I can just feel it.

  4. I love all of your work but especially your beach scenes...

  5. Karin, you are incomparable as a painter. Who would crop the heads like you did on Left Wingers, Right Winger? It works beautifully. I get the pitter patter when I look at your paintings.
    Your color just sings!

  6. this is incredible... I finished a painting in early December where the subject is exactly the same as this one. Coffee, folding chair,beach...
    Argh! No one's going to believe my painting was done completely independently of yours!

    BTW - I think yours is fantastic!


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