Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Facing the Music"

8 x 12"
oil on masonite

With a lot of abstract expressionism, I see or feel music. Especially with large paintings. This woman was viewing Cy Twombly's 'Winter', part of his 'Four Seasons' series in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Please click here for a larger view and purchase information.


  1. Hi Karin,
    Wow, great painting. I also love the "Lost at Sea" painting.
    Well done.

  2. Very striking and confident. Was she really wearing such a cooperative outfit? Great catch.

  3. I'm always amazed at your ability to get the true essence of the paintings that you include in your paintings, giving us just the bare minimum amount of information.

  4. Stunning. But then again ... all of you paintings are stunning. God gave you the gift, my dear!

  5. mmmmm. love this image.

  6. Good to know I'm not the only one who "sees/feels " music in paintings! Love this composition and the way the sound of the painting coordinates with the movement of pattern in her skirt. What a great combination! You always pick the perfect piece of art to accompany your figures.

  7. Karin,

    I so admire your work. I have studied your subjects and the way you use color and your brushstrokes. I have been following your blog for 2 years. Today I was voted into Dailypainters. I would like to add you to my bloglist. If that is ok. I have done a few of the DSFDF challenges. Thank you again for just being out there doing what you do.


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