oil on masonite
I want to wish everyone a fun holiday weekend - I'm hoping to take some time off and go to a local arts festival, eat hotdogs and apple pie and swim in my neighbor's pool. What a perfect plan.
I got a little painting in this afternoon - a young woman reading in a big chair in a Starbucks. I even made up a short movie of the process of painting this little piece - click here if you'd like to see it.
Karin, nice idea and beautiful painting. Thanks for sharing.
Woo Hoo...Love the movie and the music, yes please more of these, have a lovely weekend Karin.
There's a lovely feel to this one :)
Another nice one and fun to watch the process!
Larry does Desktop digital video on the side so keeps threatening to film me doing one too. ;)
Forget the camcorder!!! How could it get any better???
Forget the camcorder!!! How could it get any better???
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